Implementation evaluation of a complex intervention to improve timeliness of care for Veterans with Transient Ischemic Attack
Publication: Journal of General Internal Medicine
During the past two decades, Dr. Damush has served as an embedded implementation scientist inside the Veterans Health Administration healthcare system collaborating with clinical operations and translating research into practice. She is an expert in implementation science methodology and evaluations of evidence-based clinical and behavioral practices including the following: formative (pre-) and summative (post-) implementation evaluations; implementation strategy bundle design and evaluation; and stakeholder engagement and mixed-methods evaluations of complex interventions. Nationally, she serves on the Editorial Board for Translational Behavioral Medicine and is a member of the VA Health Services Research & Development Scientific Member Review Board for Quality Enhancement Research Evaluation and Implementation. Dr. Damush has served on Data Safety Monitoring Boards for implementation trials.
As Co-Principal Investigator for the VA Health Systems Research (HSR) Expanding Expertise through E-Health Network Development (EXTEND) QUERI Center, Dr. Damush’s research focuses on evaluating the implementation of evidence-based telehealth delivery models across three clinical areas: geriatrics; headache; and stroke. She directs the Implementation Science Core for the (EXTEND) QUERI Center.
As a research health psychologist, Dr. Damush’s expertise embraces the development and evaluation of patient-centered self-management programs adjuvant to traditional healthcare services for complex conditions including cancer, chronic pain and stroke.
In 2019, Dr. Damush was awarded the advanced VA HSR Research Career Scientist Award which provides support for her research and mentoring effort of early scientists. Recently, Dr. Damush, as Co-Director, successfully competed for a VA Advanced HSR Learning Healthcare System Fellowship at the CHIC Coin Center, Roudebush VAMC.
Publication: Journal of General Internal Medicine
Publication: BMC Health Services and Research
Publication: BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies
Publication: Journal of General Internal Medicine
Publication: BMC Implementation Science Communications
Publication: BMC Health Services Research
Publication: BMC Health Services Research
Publication: Journal of General Internal Medicine
Publication: BMC Neurology
Publication: Implementation Science & Communication
Publication: Jove Journal