Findings from a peer-facilitated intervention to reduce social isolation among veterans: A mixed-methods, pilot feasibility study
Publication: Journal of General Internal Medicine
Dr. Johanne Eliacin’s research focuses on advancing understanding of sociocultural determinants of mental health and illness and reducing healthcare disparities through innovative processes and technologies that facilitate patient-centered care and effective patient-provider communication.
Her research interests include health care disparities, intervention development, implementation science, and patient-provider communication. Dr. Eliacin obtained her doctoral degree in clinical psychology and psychological anthropology from the University of Chicago and completed her clinical postdoctoral residency at Cornell University.
Dr. Eliacin is a graduate of the Implementation Research Institute at Washington University in St. Louis. She was a VA Health Systems Research career development awardee, a NIMHD Translational Health Disparities Scholar, a NIH-funded fellow at the John Hopkins University Mixed Methods Research Training Program for Health Sciences, and Academy of Communication in Healthcare Putnam Scholar.
Publication: Journal of General Internal Medicine
Publication: Alzheimer's and dementia (NY)
Publication: Translational Behavioral Medicine
Publication: Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
Publication: Patient Education and Counseling
Publication: Health Equity
Publication: Health and Social Care in the Community
Publication: Brain Injury
Publication: Brain Injury
Publication: Journal of Mental Health
Publication: Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
Publication: Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease
Publication: Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
Publication: Psychiatric Services
Publication: Journal of Mental Health