Healthy Aging
A wide variety of factors influence a person’s mind and body as they age. At Regenstrief Institute, research scientists are working to understand the impact of medication, physical fitness, communication and more on the lives of older adults. They are also creating care models and interventions to improve the quality of life for both olde adults and caregivers.
Medications are of particular interest. Research projects hope to shed light on the impact of drugs on the brain, as well as how to successfully deprescribe unnecessary medications that may be having a detrimental effect on a person.
Research scientists are also focused on how care is provided for older adults. They are looking at ways to improve the care delivered in the nursing home as well as transitions of care between long term stay facilities, hospitals, short term stay facilities and homes.
Communication about care preferences is a crucial area of research. This includes advance care planning and palliative care. Research scientists are exploring ways to encourage advance care planning, improve documentation of care preferences, facilitate appropriate palliative care conversations and plans, and implement collaborative care models, among other topics.
A significant amount of attention is being directed toward ways to aid informal caregivers in the challenging task for providing care for loved ones. From symptom management to support, there are a variety of interventions being tested.
A significant portion of older adults who spend time in the intensive care unit will acquire delirium, a state of confusion, which can impact the way the brain functions even after the patient leaves the ICU. Regenstrief experts are working to prevent and treat delirium and post-ICU syndrome.
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