Probari is a medical startup focused on improving care at nursing facilities, controlling costs and reducing trips to the hospital. The venture expands on a successful and ongoing project funded by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Center for Innovation.

Probari will help long-term nursing facilities implement a new model of care into their daily workflow. The program embeds a specially-trained nurse at each facility. That nurse provides support to long-stay residents and their families and education and training to other staff members while also conducting reviews of care management.
The ultimate goal of the model is to allow nursing home residents to be treated in the familiar setting of the facility more often, rather than be transferred to the hospital. Hospital visits can be very disruptive to the lives of older adults. The transfers frequently have a negative impact on the person’s overall health and can lead to reduced function.

In a trial at 19 Indiana nursing homes, the original study, called OPTIMISTIC (Optimizing Patient Transfers, Impacting Medical Quality, and Improving Symptoms: Transforming Institutional Care), lowered Medicare expenditures by $1,589 per nursing home resident per year, produced a total Medicare spending reduction of nearly $13.5 million and a net savings of more than $3.4 million over a two-year span. It also reduced avoidable hospitalizations by 33 percent.
Probari provides hands-on training, workflow improvement tools, data management resources and other options to facilities to help them improve quality of care and communication with families.