September 5, 2024

Regenstrief to host semiannual LOINC® conference in Washington, D.C., Sept. 17-20

Regenstrief Institute will host its semiannual LOINC® conference September 17-20, 2024, in Washington, D.C.

LOINC, a global healthcare terminology standard, will be the subject of the three-day conference during which experts worldwide will collaborate during presentations across three points of emphasis: implementation and policy, innovation and mapping.

Keynote presenters will be:

  • Wednesday, September 18 – Jesse Ehrenfeld, M.D., MPH, the president of the American Medical Association.
  • Thursday, September 19 – Bobby Jefferson, the vice president and global head of diversity, equity, engagement and inclusion at Development Alternatives, Inc.
  • Friday, September 20 – Ronald Wyatt, M.D., the founder and chief executive officer of Achieving Health Equity, LLC.

LOINC, which stands for Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes, is a standard for identifying health measurements, observations and documents. Created and maintained at Regenstrief Institute, LOINC enables the identification, exchange and collection of data across health systems and is used worldwide.

During the 2024 LOINC conference, federal partner representatives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy/Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ASTP/ONC) and the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) and National Library of Medicine (NLM) will present plenary sessions on interoperability advancements, challenges and next steps in their organizations.

Also at the conference, Stan Huff, M.D., a globally renowned healthcare data interoperability expert, will present “The Vision of LOINC” and proposed LOINC concept model changes. There will be a panel on global digital health and interoperability with representatives from Asia, Africa, Europe and the U.S. Department of Commerce and updates on the collaboration between SNOMED International and Regenstrief on the LOINC Ontology Interoperability Solution.

The 2024 LOINC conference will have dedicated sessions on social determinants of health lead by Evelyn Gallego, MBA, MPH, the chief executive officer and founder of EMI Advisors, LLC. Included in the 21 session presentations there will be a panel on global stakeholder perspectives, a panel with standards development organizations and a workshop on coordinating and aligning social determinants of health standards initiatives and policy frameworks for implementation.

Visit the link here to register for virtual attendance.

About LOINC®
LOINC® was created in 1994 at Regenstrief Institute to facilitate interoperability in healthcare. There was a growing trend to send clinical data electronically between healthcare entities, a practice that has now become ubiquitous. Today, it contains more than 104,000 concepts for everything from an albumin level to a zygomatic arch X-ray report. For each concept, LOINC contains many other rich details, such as synonyms, units of measure, and carefully crafted descriptions.

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