Date: July 11, 2017
Location: Regenstrief Institute, Inc.

July 11-13: Designing-Analyzing-Synthesizing Mixed Methods Research Results

July 11-13, 2017 |  Designing, Analyzing, and Skillfully Synthesizing Quantitative and Qualitative Results from Mixed Methods Studies

Do you want to hone your ability to bridge qualitative and quantitative methods and results? Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches can enhance conversations about theory and/or inform the evolution of practice and policy. This complex and demanding research paradigm requires knowledge, skill, and expertise in quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as the art of carefully integrating the approaches to and findings from each mode of inquiry. This course focuses on strategies, tips, and best practices to accomplish this integration in accessible and effective ways.

Do you want to explore, or deepen your knowledge of, the ‘Sort and Sift, Think and Shift’ qualitative data analysis technique?This iterative process allows analysts to dive into data to understand its content, dimensions and properties, and then step back to assess what they have learned and to determine next steps. Researchers move from establishing an understanding of what is in the data to exploring their relationship to the data. To conclude, they arrive at an evidence-based meeting point that is a hybrid story of data content and researcher knowledge.

  • Qualitative Mentors/Facilitators are Alison Hamilton, PhD, MPH and Raymond C. Maietta, PhD from ResearchTalk, Inc.
  • Gain expertise in the bridging of quantitative and qualitative data from mixed methods studies.
  • Explore and practice ResearchTalk’s Sort and Sift, Think and Shift qualitative data analysis method as it applies to mixed methods data.
  • Beneficial for research teams and individual researchers.
  • Day 1: 9:30am – 4pm (1-hour lunch break)

  • Day 2: 9:30am – 4pm (1-hour lunch break)

  • Day 3: 9am – 12pm

  • Class size is limited to 40 participants.
  • Single day attendance cannot be accommodated.
  • Registration will close by June 16, 2017 or when the workshop maximum is reached. A standby list will be maintained as needed.
  • Questions? Contact Lori Losee (317.274.9149; llosee@iupui.edu). Contact Lori with any special needs related to participation.
  • Registrants will receive a brief survey asking for detail on their current mixed methods work.
Alison Hamilton, PhD, MPH

is a Research Anthropologist in the UCLA Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences and has been a consultant with ResearchTalk for over 18 years, sharing her expertise on rapid qualitative research methods, qualitative grant-writing, qualitative interviewing, and mixed methods research.

She is the Director of the VA-funded EMPOWER (Enhancing Mental and Physical Health of Women through Engagement and Retention) Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI), focused on improving women Veterans’ health and health care through implementation science. She is Associate Director for Implementation Science and Director of the Qualitative Methods Group at the VA Health Services Research and Development (HSR&D) Center for the Study of Healthcare Innovation, Implementation and Policy, specializing in women Veterans’ health, mental health services research, and implementation science. She was a fellow in the inaugural cohort of the NIMH/VA Implementation Research Institute and she serves on the editorial boards of Implementation Science and Women’s Health Issues. She currently leads two HSR&D-funded women’s health studies, including a four-year mixed methods study of women Veterans’ attrition from VA healthcare use and a multisite study of improving multilevel stakeholder engagement in women’s health services research.

Alison is a co-author on Dr. Ray Maietta’s Sort and Sift, Think and Shift forthcoming publication.

Raymond C. Maietta, PhD

is president of ResearchTalk Inc., a qualitative research consulting company based in Long Island, New York and Cary, North Carolina. A PhD.sociologist from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, with postdoctoral training at Indiana University, Ray’s interests in the art of qualitative research methods motivated him to start ResearchTalk in 1996. ResearchTalk Inc. provides project consultation and co-analysis services on all phases of qualitative analysis to university, government, not-for-profit, and corporate researchers.

More than 20 years of consultation with qualitative researchers informs Dr. Maietta’s publications and a current methods book he is writing:

  • “Systematic Procedures of Inquiry and Computer Data Analysis Software for Qualitative Research,” co-authored with John Creswell, in Handbook of Research Design and Social Measurement (Sage Publications, 2002)
  • “State of the Art: Integrating Software with Qualitative Analysis” in Applying Qualitative and Mixed Methods in Aging and Public Health Research, edited by Leslie Curry, Renee Shield, and Terrie Wetle (American Public Health Association and the Gerontological Society of America, 2006).
  • “The Use of Photography As a Qualitative Research Method” in Visualizing Social Science, edited by Judith Tanur (Social Science Research Council, 2008).
  • “Qualitative Software” in the Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, edited by Lisa Given (Sage Publications, 2008).
  • “Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis with MAXQDA” in Journal of Mixed Methods (Sage Publications, April 2008)
  • “The Symbolic Value and Limitations of Racial Concordance in Minority Research Engagement”, co-authored with Craig S. Fryer, Susan R. Passmore, et al., in Qualitative Health Research, March 13, 2015 (Sage Publications)
  • Sort and Sift, Think and Shift, (Guilford Press) in progress.

Ray’s work invites interactions with researchers from a range of disciplinary backgrounds including public health, medical research, education, sociology and more.

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